Meet True Image Interactive

Making Technology Human.

True Image Interactive is a group of passionate people driven by the wild idea that interacting with technology should be as comfortable as a conversation with a friend, and we?re building some pretty amazing solutions which do just that.

Why do we get out of bed?

Why do we get out of bed and come to work?

We?re revolutionizing the way people connect with technology. To us that means bridging the communication gap between our client partners and their customers, allowing them to communicate better, build stronger relationships, and exceed expectations.

What do we do?

What do we do once we get here?

We build Intelligent Voice Response (IVR) and Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) solutions that help businesses of all shapes and sizes, across diverse industries and applications, increase customer engagement and drive unparalleled results.

What makes our solutions unique?

What makes our solutions unique?

We’ve created the world’s first human intelligent virtual assistant that uses leading-edge artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and speech recognition technology to communicate with customers anytime, anywhere, on any device. See a few use cases ?

IVR & IVA Results

What kind of results are we getting?

Every bit of data that comes in reinforces what we’ve hung our hats on: People relate to people, not computers. So if you want to engage customers, build trust, and influence decision-making, human isn’t just one way to do things ? it’s the only way.


A communication chasm exists between our clients and their customers, causing endless inefficiency, frustration, missed opportunities, and lost revenue. We bridge the gap.

Meet the Team

Meet the True Image Interactive executive management team and board members.

Join the Team

Join the Team

Check out the positions for which we’re currently hiring and submit your resum? online.

Ready to talk about how the world's first HUMAN Intelligent Virtual Assistants can revolutionize the way you're connecting with your customers?