The World’s First Human Avatar Health Coach

The First Human Avatar Health Coach

Improve quality of care & reduce costs by empowering patients to manage their own health.

Imagine the power of a human avatar health coach that interacts conversationally with patients ? just like a person ? to answer questions, send medication and appointment reminders, monitor vital stats, and help to coordinate a patient’s entire care team, all while gathering and reporting data to continually improve care.

Empower patients to develop healthy behaviors that last.

Empower patients to develop healthy behaviors that last.

Improving outcomes in today?s healthcare environment demands new and innovative approaches. Our platform targets the key success factors proven to produce sustained, positive changes, equipping patients with the tools needed to develop healthy behaviors that last.

Improve quality of care while reducing preventable costs.

Improve quality of care and prevent unnecessary readmissions.

Avoid unnecessary hospital readmissions with interactive self-management tools that help patients better understand their condition and?better adhere?to their prescribed medications and treatment protocols?while?encouraging them to share important information with their provider network.

Manage chronic conditions and improve care path adherence.

Manage chronic conditions and improve care path adherence.

To help patients actively manage their health and cut into the $17B in preventable readmission costs* for chronic conditions, our platform targets the four?primary keys to establishing and maintaining good health:?medication adherence, active monitoring, ongoing education, and interactive communication.

Scale your provider network by integrating patient performance metrics

Scale your provider network by integrating patient performance metrics.

Link every member of your patient?s care team to help you redesign for efficient workflows. Our care plan dashboards are available to patients and their chosen advocates, as well as their care providers. Active reports centralize real-time data including monitor feeds, medication and exercise adherence, and?treatment plan progress.

Research* shows there are 4 primary keys to establishing and maintaining good health.

Medication Adherence

Medication Adherence

Patients need to stay on track with?the medication schedules determined by their physicians. Taking the right medications at the right intervals, as well as refilling prescriptions on time, are both keys to success.

Active Monitoring

Active Monitoring

Patients need continuous, daily “soft touches” to provide medication reminders, support fitness and dietary programming, and track and report on key health indicators.

Ongoing Education

Ongoing Education

Patients recently diagnosed with a chronic condition require consistent, in-depth education that is both tailored to their unique needs and easily accessible, anytime anywhere.

Human Interaction

Human Interaction

Health behavior changes don?t typically happen in isolation, as our habitual behaviors are often deeply engrained in our everyday lives. Research indicates that personal, empathic encouragement is a leading indicator in promoting lasting change.

Our avatar health coaches combine the proven power of human interaction with leading-edge artificial intelligence to address each of the vital success factors below and drive sustained behavior change.

Empowerment through Interaction

Empowerment through Interaction

Our human avatars harness the power of human interaction to provide invaluable motivational reinforcement, empowering and engaging patients with interactive, 2-way communication across any device.

Personalized Application

Personalized Application

The experience is tailored to each user’s unique condition, preferences, and information while leveraging empathetic coaching from an engaged, trustworthy advocate.

Real-Time Results Tracking

Real-Time Results Tracking

Our platform converts data into meaningful information, then personalizes the application of that information into relevant conversations that address each patient?s specific needs.

Driven by Protocols

Driven by Protocols

Our avatar health coaches are programmed to generate notifications and can escalate response actions to both patients and care teams based on protocols that are specific to the user, their condition, and their physician?s orders.

In-Depth, Targeted Education

In-Depth, Targeted Education

Create an infinitely deep, interactive knowledge base that gives your patients anytime/anywhere access to information about their condition, care plan, medication, treatments, complication signs, and more.

Social Accountability & Community

Social Accountability & Community

Keeping in touch with a network of others who are actively working to manage their medical conditions promotes success, fosters hope, and empowers positive behavior. Care Communities are known worldwide to be powerful success tools.

We’re seeing outstanding results.

People are engaging with our avatar health coaches, getting educated, and staying healthy!


Reduction in hospital readmissions


Patients who use the platform daily


Improvement in patient satisfaction

Track health outcomes in real-time with advanced analytics and reporting.

  • Streamline workflows with dynamic reporting tools to provide personalized care to more patients in less time.
  • Monitor real-time feeds, medication and exercise adherence, and treatment plan progress.
  • Receive tolerance-driven alerts and intervene before a patient’s care levels become critical and require hospitalization.
Healthcare Administrative Dashboard

FAQs About Our Human Avatar Health Coach Solutions

For those who love clinical outcomes as much as we do.

What kind of reminders does the health coach provide the patient?
Our interactive avatar health coaches remind patients to stick to the daily care regimens that keep them healthy and limit unnecessary care episodes and hospital readmissions. The avatar monitors important events, including physician appointments and medication schedules, and notifies patients when they need to update their weight, blood pressure, glucose, or other key health metrics. The platform also connects the patient to their care team by sharing important data to create a fully integrated support structure.

What do you mean when you say that the health coach monitors the patient?
The interactive avatar health coach monitors the patient daily for specific risk factors ? based on both their unique condition and their physician?s recommendations ? and follows up with them via phone calls, text messages, or mobile app reminders to insure they?re feeling better. If any issues occur, the avatar informs their physician (or other members of their care team) so they contact them as soon as possible.
How can the health coach educate patients?
Rather than being “everything to everyone”, our solutions are application-specific, allowing for infinitely deep, topic-centric information that empowers users to solve problems, builds confidence, and promotes informed decision-making. This provides patients with specific conditions ? such as diabetes and COPD ? in-depth, anytime/anywhere education about their unique disease state, helping them feel more confident about getting better and limiting unnecessary calls to physicians and hospital re-admissions.

What do the experts say about the keys to staying healthy and avoiding unnecessary hospital readmissions?

The Revolving Door: A Report on U.S. Hospital Readmissions

The Revolving Door: A Report on U.S. Hospital Readmissions

An in-depth and shocking analysis of Medicare data about the chronic problem of hospital readmissions in the U.S. health care system and what can be done about it.

Source: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Reducing Hospital Readmissions: A Major Opportunity for Rapid Savings

Reducing Hospital Readmissions: A Major Opportunity for Rapid Savings

15-25% of people who are discharged from the hospital will be readmitted to the hospital within 30 days or less, and that many of these readmissions are preventable. How?

Source: Center for Healthcare Quality & Payment Reform

Hospital Readmissions

Causes for Hospital Readmissions & Potential Solutions

In this short but detailed research paper, the author gives a brief overview of the problem of hospital readmissions, looks at the conditions leading to both initial and subsequent hospitalizations, and suggests potential solutions.

Source: Pramit Sengupta, Georgia Institute of Technology

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